About Us

Nancy Dykes, Founder
Athol Graham, FCA
Clive and Joy Lietze
Nancy Dykes
William and Carol Burkett
Don and Judy Haney
Nancy was born and raised in a Christian home in Tauranga, New Zealand. From an early age she felt the Lord calling her to missionary service largely through the influence of her godly mother. She prepared herself with years of Bible training culminating in 2010 in an honorary doctorate for her work in India. She was ordained to the ministry in 1968 in Vancouver, Canada. For many years she fulfilled pastoral roles in churches in North America and New Zealand.
Nancy’s missions calling took more specific focus when she travelled to India in the 1980’s with Dr. Ray and Althea Bloomfield, missionary evangelists who became her mentors and encouragers in the work. There, India’s great need touched her deeply. Although overwhelmed by both the spiritual and social needs of this hugely populated country, she determined to do something about both. She decided to at least be a “drop in an ocean” rather than nothing at all! She received a specific “Macedonian call” (Acts 16:9, 10) to India in 1982. Thus in response to the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ, Nancy established Global Nulife Ministries.
This compassionate faith ministry works in three southern States of India – Andra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
Nancy’s main focus has always been preaching and teaching the Word of God, resulting in thousands of adults and children responding to the powerful Gospel message and following Jesus in Christian discipleship. Day seminars are held to encourage pastors and church leaders in the faith. To share her vision, Nancy has led teams of mission minded people to India every year since 1992. These teams are made up of people of all ages and from all walks of life who have a heart for missions. Over the years there has been much fruit for her labours. Nancy gives all the glory and praise to the Lord Jesus knowing that without Him she could do nothing (John 15:5). Thank you Jesus for all YOU have done and continue to do.

2022 Team Members:
From Back left: Sam Graham, Ps Martin Proffitt, Clive Lietze, Athol Graham, FCA.
From front left: Linda Proffitt, Nancy Dykes, Joy Lietze, Ps Johney Kumar

Global Nulife Minstries is governed by a Board of Trustees. It became a New Zealand registered Charitable Trust in 1993 and separately in Washington USA in 1999.
We sponsor and support pastors and evangilists who in turn support the needy in the area.
We sponsor orphans and neglected children and give support to widows.
build churches AND community halls
We fund the building of churches, community halls, orphanages and small houses for pastors and volunteer workers who teach, house and care for leprosy victims, orphans and the needy.
We assist leprosy villages and blind persons with monthly help.
We provide drinkable water for villages through digging wells, appropriately called “Jesus Wells”.
We gather teams of willing volunteers to support the needy in India most years. If you are interested in joining a team, please complete the form below and a team member will be in contact with you shortly.
We are a Charitable Trust operating since February 1993 out of New Zealand and USA with the purpose of assisting the poor and neglected children of India, blind and leprosy persons, teachers and Pastors.
Bibles and children’s materials are also provided. Programs for health and well-being include providing vehicles and motor bikes, bicycles, sound systems, sewing machines and other tools for education purposes.
In many poor villages we have provided community wells for drinkable water which greatly assist the people who live in the villages. We build buildings: community halls for meetings and small houses for workers. Every year a group of interested people tour southern India.