[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Greetings in Jesus Name.

I finally made it back on the last day of February which made a total of seven weeks away from home. After landing on the 16th February I had 3 days in the Middlemore Hospital in Auckland with pneumonia then almost a week of recovery time. So I am taking things easier for this month.

The eleven member Team was excellent and generous and it was very rewarding to know we were “being fruitful in every good work” and making a difference to so many villages, individuals & families.

We did our usual travel in three southern States but this time also went down to Gobi in Tamil Nadu for a short visit. There we had a fruitful time and were able to help churches and a Leper Colony and of course our El Shaddai children. We found the leper people in Gobi in great need of the very basics of life. Already there is hope as a Team member has promised regular support for 75 desperately needy and neglected persons. This is what Jesus would do if He were with us in physical form.

It was a blessing to have my sister Mary and her daughter Ruth join the Team for the first 12 days before returning home again.


The dedication of the “Bensley Memorial Church” went well and it was exciting to see how much had been accomplished in a short time including a Jesus Well and even a toilet. (Usually the last thing that is thought of in India!) To complete the project we intend to build a parsonage for the Pastor and his large family who really need a good place to live.

Testimonies are coming in and we have included a few in this issue. The Team had 33 meetings in 21 days so it seemed like every day was a Sunday. The Lord blessed us with 226 persons committing to Christ. Many were healed also. All glory to Jesus.

After the Team left India for a short stay in Singapore I flew down to Coimbiture for a week to visit with my American friends, Pastor Glenn and Laura McMurray from Bonney Lake, Washington. They are ministering in the Bible College there and the church has at least an 8,000 person membership. They slotted me in to speak to the Bible College students, a Healing meeting, a Seniors’ meeting and an English service on Sunday. There the Lord gave us 15 more souls. Praise the Lord. Although it was tiring it was so worth it. My next port of call was P.J. in Kular Lumpur in Malaysia to my long time friends of Faith Covenant Tabernacle for a five day visit there. It was a blessing as always.

Thank you to a wonderful Team who sacrificed to go and to the special “Home Team” who prayed & supported us financially. Together it was a great success and only Eternity will reveal how much was really accomplished.


As we approach the Easter season once again let us remember that its not about chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies but its about JESUS who gave His life for every man and woman, boy and girl on the planet who have ever lived and rose again and ascended into Heaven from which He came and now “ever lives to make intercession for us.” Hebrews 7:25 You are on Jesus us prayer list for sure.

Thank you for your support and please do consider a sacrificial gift as we continue to stretch ourselves to meet so many very real needs.

Lovingly in Christ,

Nancy[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Praise Report water

  • Another successful team has returned from three weeks in India.
  • 126 people committed their lives to Christ and many were healed.
  • Two buildings and two new community “Jesus Wells” were dedicated.

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Special Needs

  • Regular support for neglected children, poor widows, people with leprosy, pastors/workers…$30 monthly
  • Bicycles for students, pastors…$120 Motor bikes…$800 to $1,000
  • P/A systems for public meetings…$635
  • Community “Jesus Wells” for good drinkable water in new villages…$300 to $1,000
  • House of Hope orphanage urgent repairs…$10,000
  • Wall of protection for Faith & Vision Ministries in Kakinada…$3,000
  • Village church buildings in Andhra…$10,000
  • Regular support for leper colony in Gobi
  • Rent for new building for children in Gobi…$700 monthly

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from Ps. Johney

Sister Sirisha, who came with severe back pain to one of our meetings, while the team members were praying, she felt the touch of the Lord and now she was completely healed. She is trained as a nurse, and looking for a govt. job.. She accepted Christ as her savior and was baptized.


This girl, Lakshmi, came to the meeting with depression. She was unable to concentrate on her studies. She was failing in her exams. She said when the team member prayed over her she saw a light. After the meeting she appeared for her exams and was able to pass her exams. She has now dedicated her life to Christ.

from Ps. Samuel John

My name is Nageswar Rao and I‘m a Brahmin priest. I used tell people about their future by palm reading and horoscope, but deep inside I always knew that I knew nothing about anyone’s future because I don’t know mine. I was passing by the road and over heard some foreigners speaking in English. I was very angry and upset because I thought they were converting people, and stood nearby to hear what is that they are saying. As I was listening, something began to happened to me. On the inside I felt completely empty and I fell on the Lord crying helplessly. I was able to realize that I’m a sinner and I began to repent and confess. As I was doing so, my emptiness went and I invited Jesus into my life.

My name is Devi and I’m 20 years old. I have attempted suicide like 3 times because I never had the happiness and the purpose of my life. I always believe that I was an accident and no one cares for me and I’m not important to anyone. I was planning to kill myself by keeping my head on the rail track just before the train comes and no one can save me this time. Both my parents have come to the church that night and I also came there with them but my intention is to go to the rail track and die, you know the church is located where near to rail track. But the testimonies were shared I felt for the first time in my life that I was important and even as I started to hear the message tears started rolling over and that night I felt I was loved, accepted and important and all of that is because of my Lord and Savior Jesus.

Missions team 2017
We are planning another Team visit in early Jan/Feb 2017. You are invited to join an exciting, awesome and rewarding visit to “incredible India”. If interested, please contact us www.globalnulife.org. Be encouraged to confirm early so we can get the best airfare deal.

Donations can be made by direct credit to Global Nulife Ministries
ASB Bank A/c No. 12-3072-0380376-01
Please remember to include your name and designation of funds

Contact details
Our Office phone number is: 07 886 1979
Our email address is: gnlministries@xtra.co.nz
Our mailing address is:
Global Nulife Ministries, PO BOX 35, TAURANGA, 3140, New Zealand[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]