Ministries supported in South India

Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Ministry here is under Ps Samuel Paul, his wife Grace and son Ian Barrie. They hold regular services and have a special ministry to the blind, providing accommodation to 22 blind people. They also do outreaches to the physically handicapped and children.
Ps Samuel Paul, his wife Grace, their son Ian Barrie(Chinnu) have been part of GNL for over 30 years. They have wonderful hearts for the poor and were originally running a children’s home in the basement of their New Life Christian Church in Chennai. Today that basement is regularly used for outreaches to the physically handicapped, who arrive on 3-wheeled scooters (small motorised bikes) where they sit and listen to the gospel and are given gifts. Upstairs blind people have been housed since Covid and are fed and part of the extended family. Regular meetings are held for widows and lepers and gifts of food etc are given to them. Apart from this, Ps Samuel Paul has an extensive leadership and prayer ministry in his state.

Gobi (near Coimbatore), Tamil Nadu
The team here is led by Anbu and Agnes, their son Ebby and his wife Nythia, their daughter, Akila and her husband, Sundher and their nephew Jeba. El Shaddai Children’s Home has 30 children in the home.
Apart from caring physically, mentally and spiritually for the children in El Shaddai, the team at Gobi also outreaches monthly to support and minister to the 50-60 people in the leprosy colony. They have a concern for disadvantaged people, outreaching to the families of mentally disabled children.

Narsapur, Andhra Pradesh
Ps Samuel John and his son Juni and his wife Sabitha lead House of Hope Children’s Home. They are involved in many ministries including youth through Youth Arise and Vacation Bible School children’s ministry.
Ps Samuel John and his late wife Sarala became associated with Nancy Dykes and then GNL over 40 years ago. Today, his son Azariah John(Juni) and wife Sabitha , have taken up a major role in the work. They are committed to reach out to the unreached people with love and the Gospel of Jesus.
Evangelism & Church Planting
This is their main agenda. Over 150 churches have been planted in the last 30 years. Pastors are trained and supported by providing buildings, sound systems and bikes or motorcycles. Through conducting gospel outreaches, village and tribal people outreaches, people are saved and churches planted. Teams also go door-to-door with tracts and New Testaments
Youth Outreaches
Youth retreats, rallies and youth nights are held, with many youth coming to the Lord. In the past year 3,500 youth have been ministered to and 1,800 have responded to the gospel.
Children’s Outreaches
We conduct regular children’s clubs and vacation bible schools and children’s retreats. In this last year we have reached 4,000 children.
Charity Work
House of Hope Children’s Home currently has 35 children. They are given parental care, affection, and by the grace of God are able to provide food, accomodation, books, uniforms and pay their school fees.
Lepers Care
These people are considered “untouchables “ whose only source of income is begging. They are burdened for them and try to help by providing some groceries and trolleys to enable them to get around.
Yenada Group
These are tribal people who live by scavenging at the dump. They have identified 200 of these people and give food and clothes to them when they can. They have rescued two of the children and they now happily live in their children’s home and attend school.

Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh
Ps Johney Kumar and Sujatha
Ps Jaideep Kumar (Johney) with his wife Sujatha and daughters Nissi and Blessy lead the ministry. God called Johney into full-time ministry in 1990. He is considered by Nancy to be one of her spiritual sons. Johney has a calling and gifting for children’s work, church planting and teaching. He and his team have reached thousands of children in the unreached villages and towns. They have an orphanage supported by Global Nulife for the past 20 years. They have built seven churches and want to build more. Ten pastors have been trained and are supported. They run a sewing centre for women and girls. They have Kids Clubs in different villages and run very successful Vacation Bible Schools for thousands of children. God is using them mightily in many places. To God be all the glory for a fruitful ministry.

Bangalore, Karnataka
(Now officially called Bengaluru, Karnataka)
Ps. Lawrence and his wife Jyoti, with their son, Timothy, and his wife Blessy, along with their other son, Scott, lead the work here. They conduct regular services and minister in the slums and to the lepers and widows.
Ps Lawrence and Jyoti originally came from the slums and with assistance from Global Nulife have come into ministry. Their sons, Timothy and Scott, have been helped to receive a good education and today are in ministry also.

For as little as between $300 and $1,000 you can help provide fresh, clean and safe drinking water for a community in southern India – through the installation of a Jesus Well! Please consider giving generously towards this life saving work by heading to the DONATE page, and putting “Jesus Well” in your reference when giving.

Leprosy is a dreaded disease. Its’ affects are so horrible. People shun lepers so they are rejected. Rejection is in itself painful, but there are also the physical effects of deformity. It’s a hopeless situation for the leper in India without the love of Christ. The conditions they are forced to live in are atrocious. They are short of food, and make do with the most basic of living conditions. Global Nulife has a heart for these people and each year the team has contact with these precious souls. We give ongoing help to people with leprosy through the pastors we support in Chennai, Gobichettipalayam, Bangalore, Narsapur, and Kakinada. A promise we receive as we remember the poor is Proverbs 19:17. “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.” Please give any amount you can through the “Donate” page, and put “lepers” as your reference in order to designate your donation to this ministry.