Dear Friends,
Greetings in Jesus’ wonderful name. It has been a very eventful three months since my last letter.
I visited Taranaki in November and December and enjoyed the snow-capped Mount Taranaki, and the loving hospitality of the people there. The Lord did bless abundantly with finances which was so helpful for our Indian visit and meeting so many needs. Two sisters from Stratford joined us on the team.
Late December I joined my family in Auckland and later in Tauranga for a very special time. There were forty people, counting the children at our Christmas Eve Day gathering. My sister Lily, and her husband Bob, from Vancouver, Canada, did a lot of the hosting, which included the hire of a launch to visit Waiheke Island. Because my two sisters and I were born and raised in Tauranga, it was
lovely to have most of the large family gather at Mount Maunganui to enjoy fellowship and the beach together, even though the weather was rather changeable. The countries represented were Canada, USA and of course New Zealand.
I was only home for one week then left for Auckland to join the team of twelve on the 16th January for our 25th annual team ministry in India. This year the team was ably led by Pastors Clive and Joy Lietze from New Life Church in Tapanui. They have a call to India and after leaving the team they headed to North India for a further few weeks of ministry.
After landing in Hyderabad we traveled to Kakinada for six days of working with Pastor Jaideep Kumar, better known as Johney. There we dedicated two new church buildings for the glory of God, ministered in village, leper and children’s meetings, and also held a Leaders’ Day. On the way to Narsapur, we visited the new parsonage and Mary cut the ribbon at its dedication. That completed the project of a church building and parsonage and two Jesus Wells in memory of our beloved Pastor Michael Bensley. All glory to Jesus! Ministry continued with Samuel John and Juni.
We then traveled to Bangalore for leprosy and slum children’s ministry plus a Leaders’ Night. We went on to Gobi to our El Shaddai Children’s Home and leprosy ministry with Ps. Anbu and son Ebby. I was very pleased to see how happy the children were in the new facility. Lastly we went to Chennai and to Ps. Samuel Paul’s place, where he kept the team busy, bringing lepers and blind and elderly people to his Center. He is doing a wonderful job there amid very difficult circumstances. His 24 year old son Charlie has been very ill and is in the hospital for many weeks. Please do pray for him.

This year there were pluses and minuses with our team. I contracted a virus in my voice box and lost my voice so was unable to minister for two weeks. My sister Mary also was very ill with bronchitis. The good news is that 123 people came to Christ and many were healed and blessed in spite of our limitations.
After the team left for home, I flew south to Coimbatore to visit and rest with my American friends, Ps. Glenn and Laura McMurray. They are ministering in the Bible College in a wonderful large church of over 4,000 people. I was able to speak to the students in the school. I left India on the 15th of February for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to be with Faith Covenant Tabernacle folk for another five days. The hospitality and fellowship were superb.
This year is proving to be blessed but challenging. Let us be expectant of a year of breakthrough, supernatural happenings, and answers to prayer as never before. Millions in the Third World are waiting to hear the good news. Let us increase our efforts and reach as many as we can for Jesus’ sake. (James 5:7) Thank you for being a part of this ministry. Be assured we are sowing and reaping in fertile spiritual soil. God Bless you. Nancy
Report from Ps Samuel John:
My name is T. Devadas. I attended the meeting that was held at Narayanapuram. I was suffering from severe knee joint problem with unbearable pain and I was hardly able to stand. But when I attended the meeting all of a sudden I stood up and I was speaking in unknown language and I did not feel any pain as I stood up for the sinners’ and healing prayer. Now I’m standing and sitting without any pain because I was healed by the blood of Jesus. Praise God.
My name is M. Sai and I attended the meeting at Pasivedala. During the meeting I was praying for my brother who is diagnosed with throat cancer when one of the sisters in the team said “God is telling me that someone with the pain in throat and God is going to heal you.” I stood up on my brother’s behalf. The next morning I had pain in my neck with swelling and I was very afraid. I made a doctor’s appointment and when the doctor examined me he said that I had throat cancer in advanced condition. I told the doctor of what happened last night in the meeting and he was surprised to know that I never had any pain before. He sent me for a scan to confirm the cancer and when the reports came my throat was healing on its own and it was a better result than the previous scan. Then late in the day I had my third scan and it was healed more and the doctor was so surprised he took me in his own vehicle to different Scan Center and scanned the fourth time that day and found no cancer at all! We came to know that it is the work of the Lord. My Lord healed me by bringing a team all the way from N Z to pray. My brother who had cancer was also healed and my doctor confessed that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Healer and he returned back all the money I paid for the consultancy, scan and test. Praise God for the miraculous twin healing.
Praise Report:
A blessed and fruitful team of twelve visited India in Jan/Feb 2017. Many were healed and 123 people came to Christ. Three church buildings and two parsonages were dedicated in Andra Pradesh.
A near new Jeep was given for the work in Gobi, T.N., and many other needs were met by our generous team.
Urgent building needs:
- House of Hope kitchen, dining hall, etc….$10,000
- Youth Arise (Ps Juni’s ministry) meeting place…$3,100
- Maintenance including fixing flood damaged boundary wall
Other opportunities for giving:
- P/A systems for public meetings… $635
- Bicycles ($120) and motorbikes ($800 to $1,000) for students and pastors
- Sewing machines are needed for girl’s tuition…$175 each
- “Jesus Wells” for drinkable water…$300 to $1000
- Monthly rent for El Shaddai Children’s Home new facility in
- Gobi, Tamil Nadu… $700 monthly
- Needy children & workers…$35 monthly
- Leprosy victims & elderly widows…$20 monthly
Report from Ps Samuel Paul — NEW LIFE MISSION in Chennai:
We do thank our 25th Annual Global Nulife team for visiting us in February 2017. The team was so anointed, good and Spirit filled.
A lady came to our meeting from the village of Naduveerapattu. Her kidney was totally spoiled. The team prayed and great God heard, she was healed and now she is a believer. She won’t forget in all her years.
Two of our pastors are totally not well in their ministry but after the team prayed they got strength in their ministry.
Thank you very much for both the physical and spiritual help we have received. May God bless and reward you. Please pray for us as we reach out to many who otherwise would be destitute.
We are a recognized 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. If your place of employment does “matching funds” for charitable giving, please consider Global Nulife Ministries.
House of Hope Children
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